To quote my littlest nephew, "What the what???"
In the back of my mind, I kept on thinking... blog. You should blog. Come on, Joy, you have all of these emotions bundling up, things to say and share and give back... blog... do it... BLOG!!! But I didn't listen to the little voice inside my head. Instead I lived my life and went on and moved about and went crazy and found other ways to deal with things. The funny thing is, when I pulled this up, all I saw was "Last posted on January 13, 2013" and I really have no idea what i blogged about. What was it, blogging friends?
C'est la vie, I will update you anyway... sorry if I overlap (although chances are you've forgotten, too!).
hmmm... I took a break in January. A break from weighing in... a break from the dreaded scale... I hit this point where my feet wouldn't move another step on an elliptical. I couldn't push myself. I hit the proverbial wall and just the thought of getting on a scale made me want to vomit.
I wish I could say things have been great since, but unfortunately they haven't at all. I went up on the scale (due to muscle gain and water retention) and I'm still trying to get rid of that extra number. I know it wasn't a bad way to gain it, but it's still frustrating when you feel like you're backtracking. Going up on the scale was not what I was looking forward to. But since then I've gone down.
Although I did miss another weigh in... not by choice, though, or by wall hitting. But by actual vomiting. It was a rough few days (and day and a half off of work) and for several days I barely ate anything. It was less than stellar. Now I'm fighting with myself to get back to the gym... I got so used to not being there and my evenings are so much longer! ;o)
But I fight and continue... I learn and freak out at the thought of standing on a scale, but I do it anyway...
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