

Have you ever had to do any kind of arts and craft project that used clay? Specifically wet clay? 

I've taken a lot of art classes in my life, but my favorite was always pottery. Just a wheel, some clay, water, and your hands creating out of it... I always insist that someday I'll have a pottery wheel of my own. Maybe a kiln, or just using clay you can fire on a grill. 

Sorry for the tangent. Clay. Wet clay on your hands that starts to dry. 

That's what dry sweat feels like to me. 

I hit the gym for 2 hours tonight to watch So You Think You Can Dance (one of my favorites!) and I was all kinds of a disaster. My hair was in pigtails tied with yarn because I had no hair ties at work and I had janky earbuds that I don't like... Sweat was literally dripping from my scalp down my pigtails and dripping onto my shoulders and back. 

Lovely picture, I know. 

But the sweat post workout... sticking to my face and shoulders... starting to dry in the air conditioning of my car... it felt like I could scrape it off like drying wet clay. 

Just an observation for a Monday night... 

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